Stojan Peshov
Stojan Peshov is Java developer with more than 12 years experience in web and back-end development. He has worked on a wide range of projects and business domains using open source libraries and frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate, Magnolia CMS, IceFaces, Hessian, RobotFramework, AngularJS, etc. As such, he has tasted different flavors of Java: JSP, JSF, JPA, JTA, CDI, as well as Test Automation, ETL, HTML5, Javascript and Web Services.
Post-Agile Methodologies and all that Jazz
It’s been 15 years since the Agile Manifesto was signed and several methodologies were raised ever since. There is almost no developer nowdays that haven’t adopted at least one of the Agile principles and uses them in everyday work or even private life. Some has even done improvised versions which work according their needs.
The question that’s been around these past years is if the Agile is old enough to become past and what’s the next big thing, is it a time to call it Post-Agilit period and what that means. What has or needs to change in order to abandon the old and become the Post Agilit followers.
Lots of teams already claim themselves as Post-Agility pioneers and some new ideas of methodologies have been introduced. I’ll try to bring an overview of some of them and bring you some thoughts that might help answering the above questions.