Martin Kuvandzhiev
Martin has participated in many exciting projects during the last few years. The first one was TAO-Wellnes – US based company awarded with Best in fitness for 2015 on the Consumer electronics show in Las Vegas. Then he has lead the development of projects Valkyrie (space glove) and Adept (wellness app and device). Valkyrie was selected for best project and Adept has been awarded as category winner on Nasa Space Apps Challende Competitions.
In 2016 he has been part of the successful Bulgarian startup Playground energy as a development lead. Currently he works as iOS Lead Developer in Phyre, promising Bulgarian startup. In the end of 2016 he won the “John Atanasoff” award and in the beginning of 2017 received BAIT award for multiple projects in IoT. He is also making a lot of conference sessions and lectures on topics from “How to be a team player” to “Advanced iOS Development”.
Besides his professional work, he is very into Cryptocurrencies. In his spare time he contributes to the upcoming fork of Bitcoin – Bitcoin Gold as chief product development advisor and Core developer and also is operator of several crypto mining machines. He has spent a lot of time in 3D design and 3D printing and also love to play guitar.
Blockchain technologies in depth
Introduction to blockchain methodology and how does the system work. Transactions, crypto mining, upcoming technologies.
What is a cryptocurrency, what is the difference between the cryptocurrencies and forex currencies. What is a block, blockchain. Why there are people who mine currency, and how does cryptomining work. There details are very important for everyone that want to develop cryptocurrency network, but many people miss them hence they create incomplete blockchains and concepts.