Doychin Bondzhev
Doychin Bondzhev has over 25 years of experience in the software and consultancy industries. For the last 17 years he is establishing his own business – dSoft-Bulgaria. During that time he utilized different technologies including CDI, EJB, Web Services, Swing, JavaFX, JSF, JAX-RS, JMS and also different databases and platforms. He used these technologies for business, banking, process control and other types of projects. Prior dSoft-Bulgaria, he was a senior developer at AtoZed Software, responsible for maintaining and developing IntraWeb for Win32, .NET and Java. He has a masters degree in computer science from Technical University, Sofia branch Plovdiv.
Making our day job easy by reducing boilerplate code using Project Lombok
Fed up of writing getters and setters? Or opening a big class and trying to find the important stuff inside, but feeling lost in the forest of boilerplate?
Project Lombok is an open source project that tries to help developers to get rid of as much as possible of that. It presents a set of annotations for different purposes. For example you can annotate your class/field with @Getter and lombok will generate for you getters for all your fields/field. @EqualsAndHashCode will help you by generating code for your equals and hashCode. And there are other annotations that help with other boring tasks.
In this presentation I will demonstrate how easy is to reduce the amount of code you have to write for some simple tasks using annotations provided by Project Lombok. I will explain how exactly works this technology. I will demonstrate how to add support for your annotated code in your favorite IDE so that you be able to use code completion and call methods that are not actually there in your source code.